Sod Installation Services

Danshap Landscaping offers landscaping services, including sod installation! Our crew of experienced sod installers can do the job for you quickly and efficiently! We know how to properly prepare your yard for sodding or seeding.

We’ll also evaluate your lawn, to see if sod installation or lawn seed is the best solution for your landscape. View our landscaping Vancouver map here.

Sod Installation Process:

Sod-Installation-after-danshaplandscape AFTER
Sod-Installation-before-danshaplandscape BEFORE

Sod vs Seed: Which One Should You Choose?

Sod Installation: To get great grass fast, sod is your best choice. Sod can yield a beautiful lawn quickly with very few weeds, pests, and diseases. Because sod is already completely grown, all that needs to happen is growth in the root system, which will bond your grass to your existing soil.

Lawn Seed: Before sod, there was grass seed. It’s worked for hundreds of years and is one of the most affordable options for redoing your lawn. However–it takes far longer to establish a healthy lawn, and complete success isn’t guaranteed. Grass seeds need to be planted at a very specific time, they’re very vulnerable to overwatering and heat, and they can quickly be overtaken by weeds.

Consulting with a professional lawn service is the best way to make a smart decision about your lawn’s future. If all of these factors are overwhelming, consider this major decider: what state is your lawn in right now? Is it more than 50% weeds? Is the grass quality poor? If your lawn has seen much better days, sod installation is the easiest and fastest way to recover your grass.

Professional Sod Installation

If you want a luxurious, weed-free, green thick and lush lawn tomorrow, then contact us today! Still have questions about whether sod grass is right for you? Call Danshap Landscaping Wa Vancouver for a free estimate!

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