Landscaping 101: How To Pick The Best Plants For Commercial Sites

Landscaping may be low on a business owner’s to-do list, but you shouldn’t make the mistake of underestimating the power of first impressions and the positive influence it could have on potential clients, business partners, and even investors.

That’s why this article is all about sharing tips on how to pick the best plants for commercial sites – ones that will keep your landscaping both breath-taking and functional.

1. Choose Non-Invasive Species

Hardy plants would be a solid choice for company landscapes if they didn’t have the tendency (and the ability) to invade other areas, and spread where they might not be wanted. Whether it’s through the seedlings or the rhizomes, some plants are more than capable of taking over the entire landscape if you’re not careful enough, which is why they’re not very welcome in commercial settings.

2. Long-Lived And Disease-Resistant Plants Are Best

Once you design the landscape of your dreams, you want the plants to last, right? Replacing diseased or dying plants is no one’s idea of fun. Plus, it can be a relatively costly experience. That’s why it’s highly recommended to pay attention to how susceptible, and more importantly, how resistant the plants are to disease and pests.

On that note, make sure that you opt for long-lived species that will stand the test of time so that you won’t have to spend any extra cash on replacing short-lived varieties more often.

3. Make Sure That They’re Highly Adaptable

Another essential factor to consider, and one that could make-or-break your commercial landscape, is the adaptability of the plants you choose for it. There are three things you need to keep in mind here:

  • Adaptability To Various Exposures – Think about the location of your property and the various degrees of sun exposure your plants will be exposed to there – are we talking direct sunlight or full shade? Moreover, will the plants be able to handle if the conditions change sometime in the future, either due to planting new trees or construction sites and buildings in the adjacent property? If you want your landscape to succeed, you’ll have to pick plants that are adaptable to various levels of sun exposure.
  • Adaptability To Various Types Of Soil – You’ll need to factor in the type of soil in your area, as it could add to the already long list of potential issues your plants could face in their new surroundings. If you want them to thrive, you’ll have to select plants that are adaptable to the specific soil conditions on your property.
  • Adaptability To Different Moisture Levels – In your search for the perfect plants for your commercial landscape, you’ll come across both rainforest, as well as desert plants. Granted, these are extremes, but they’re here to illustrate a wide range of conditions that plants can live and thrive in – and even though your landscape likely falls right in the middle, it’s still vital to find plants that can handle different degrees of moisture, including these extremes.

4. Low-Maintenance Is A Plus

Your company probably has its maintenance crew, and they have enough on their plate as is, so including messy or difficult-to-care-for plants on your property might not be the smartest move. Not only will that increase your crew’s burden but cost you extra money, too.

Sometimes simple is better.

5. You Want Something Eye-Catching

Last, but not least, let’s not forget that one of the main reasons why you’re designing a new commercial landscape (or re-designing the existing one) is that you’re looking to create a more inviting environment for both potential business partners, as well as clients.

That’s why picking eye-catching, attractive vegetation – and one that will look equally pleasing throughout the year, with flowers during the summer and lovely fall hues – is of utmost importance here.

Final Thoughts

If you’re currently designing a new landscape for your commercial property, keep these guidelines in mind. Plant selection should always be backed up by a lot of research about the qualities of the particular species you’re considering – and sometimes that means making a compromise, too.

We certainly hope that this guide helped you figure out the basics of how to pick the best plants for commercial sites, but if you have any additional help with selecting the plants and designing your garden, we highly recommend consulting a professional.

Landscaping Vancouver, WA can help you create an inviting landscape that everyone – from employees to clients – will enjoy!